Me, Myself & I

Viela Girl
Hi ! i'm Jun <3
I have always been the quirky, sharp-tongued girl who never quite fit in. Life has always been a up, down, left and right for me and now, I just wanna put everything down and let go and just have fun. Any comments can be left at my email(one) b

Brilliance only comes if you try~
Thursday, April 8, 2010

I have been busy the past few weeks to even set up this blog !
Anyway, im gonna just post about some things that i have been doing, things that have happened and its just basically about my life, what i've learnt and want to share with you.

These are just a few photos of what i have been up to these few months/ weeks.
I got coloured contacts recently because i have always wanted to try them and its actually really cool. The one thing i find is that its much comfier to wear than normal monthly contacts. I used to use acuvue bi-weekly once and they don't even last more than a week.

They are Geo Lenses which is one of the best cosmetic lenses, so i do recommend them. I have mine is Geo Angel Brown and Grey. I have yet to try other colours or brands....but i have to start labeling all my contacts cases now to know which ones are what brand and what power so i dont get confused.

I also made dumplings a couple of weeks ago ! it turned out alright for soups but not fried, so i bought another skin to test out !


Hehe i made muffins as well, i am kinda too lazy to post a picture of it.
I did buy the most amazing shoe today thought, i have a feeling it will be one of my favourite shoes for winter.


I actually bought Chanel's Hydra Max moisturizer and i have to say it is a good product, but it does have it's limitations. For people who live in countries where the weather changes a lot, or gets really dry during winter, its really good for the skin. However, it is really heavy on the skin, especially if you apply foundation on as well. I use Chanel's Teint Innocence liquid foundation and that on its own is already quite heavy but its really good for coverage and blending. I wouldn't recommend using the two together, unless your skin is very very dry and the whether is dry too. Teint Innocence is good for dry skin or combination skin but its just a bit too heavy.

Therefore, just because of this problem that i have, i bought Aveeno's Active Naturals daily moisturizer which is a light, natural product which is SPF 15( Chanels foundation is SPF 12) , not even good enough for Australia's harsh weather so i recommend buying something with a higher SPF. I am yet to try this product, so the results will be on my next post.

I also bought Yes To Carrots "Can you C Me" Makeup remover, the lady at the pharmacy told me its a vegan all natural product, so Vegan's out there give it a try.

I think this is all for now, see you guys later and watch out for my next post!

4:42 AM


coming here soon =) For perfection, width should be about 190px or so.


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